Winner Sports Betting

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The Winner Sports Betting Bonus Program. This bookie doesn’t mess around with small promotions, and from the very start, they go big. The Winner Sports Betting welcome bonus is a 100% match on your first deposit, which can reach all the way up to a cracking £200 – putting it up there with the best in the industry. Bwin offers the world’s largest sports betting platform with over 90 different sports available to bet on, including football, tennis, and basketball.Choose between our wide variety of sporting tournaments, leagues, matches or in-play betting and put your sports knowledge to the test. The rise of online sports betting in the USA December 2, 2019. Bristol Rovers FC interested in non-league star Kurtis Cumberbatch November 30, 2017. Winner Sports was launched in 2012.



  • Those “can’t miss” bets you make always find a way to lose.
  • Betting on the home team is about to make you homeless.
  • You’re such a good client, the bookmaker sends you flowers on your birthday.
  • Your idea of bankroll management is to double up every time you lose.
  • You bet on team that’s lost five in a row because, “they’re due for a win”.
  • A good week is when you only have to pay the bookmaker the vig.

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then read on, because I'm about to reveal the secrets that will change your life.

Introducing Win Win – the e-book that’s going to show you how to win consistently, week-after-week-after-week-after week.



Hi, my name is Jack Pace, and I want to get everything up-front. Win Win is the e-book, the bible, the guide to making you a lot of money when you bet on sports. Using the systems and techniques I've developed, you can start making money immediately – as in right now, let’s go, lay down that bet!
I'm not kidding you about this.

Once you read my 21-page book you’re going to be totally blown away at how simple it is to make money on sports betting. And when I say “simple,” I mean just that. If you follow the easy-to-understand directions I lay out for you, you can sit back and watch the money roll in, bet-after-bet, day-after-day. Believe me, that’s what I, and thousands of others who have bought my book do – and the bookmakers hate us.

Serious bettors, casual bettors, all kinds of people who wager on sports have found my systems the answer to their prayers. Why? Because the techniques and systems work – for straight bets, teasers, parlays, under/over’s, you name it. You will win consistently. You will win big. And you will join that very elite group of people who look forward to settling up with the bookmaker every week –- because the money’s coming your way.
Skeptical? I don’t blame you. I would be too.
Remember what your father taught you – If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Smart guy, old Dad. And there are plenty of people out there willing to tell you whatever you want to hear, just so you’ll buy their product. You know them. Hell, you’ve probably done business with them.

These are the guys who promote the guaranteed locks, plays of the year, special insider’s information – in short, anything to get you to buy what they’re hawking. And how did you make out with that can’t-lose-5-thousand-star-lock-of-the-millenium game? What? You say the team ran out the clock when they could have easily kicked the spread-winning field goal? Not to worry. Your guy will be back with another can’t miss game next week.

Been there. Done that. But that’s not what I’m about. I’m not about individual games – I’m about sports betting systems – systems so easy to learn, and so easy to use you simply won’t believe it.

But here’s the thing – I have the proof that my system not only works, but works consistently. How do I know that? Because my customers keep telling me so, each and every day.
Here’s a small sample of what they’re saying:

I’ve done all the hard work so you don’t have to.
Like me, you’ve probably tried more than one of the “systems” floating around out there. And it’s cost you money. Not only to buy the damn things – but because they just don’t work!

Seriously, how much do you think you’ve blown on these bogus scams? Hundreds $$? More? You’re not alone, my friend. The people who sell this trash could care less about you – it’s all about reeling in another sucker and lining their pockets. And like you, years ago I learned this lesson the hard way. And it cost me big bucks.

Then one day I sat down and decided to do something about it. I researched sports betting going back over 20 years. I crunched the numbers. I enlisted expert financial analysts, mathematicians, analysts. I was lucky, because I was backed by people with serious money – whales who bet huge sums of cash on sports every day. Like you and like me, they were sick of losing and were looking for the magic formulas that could turn perpetual losing, into perpetual winning.

With their backing I hired the best and the brightest experts I could find. It took a lot of months, a lot of testing, a lot of trial-and-error, a lot of research, and a load of cash, but in the end we found it.

We found the strategies that work and make money. They work consistently. They’re foolproof. And the best part? Within a couple of weeks the guys who fronted me the money to find these systems, not only made their investments back, but huge profits as well! And it just keeps going, and going, and going.

Here’s just a sample of what you’ll find in Win Win.

  • Sports Betting System Fundamentals.
  • Proper Bankroll Management.
  • NBA Betting System.
  • MLB Betting System.
  • NFL Betting System.
  • “Favored” NFL Team Betting System.
  • NBA, NCAA, NFL, NCALF System.
  • The 4-Goal Betting System.
  • Spread Betting Soccer System.
  • Basketball Parlay Chase Two teams.
  • Sports Betting Resources.

And remember, Win Win is written with you in mind. Everything is simple and straightforward. You can master these money systems easily, and then be on your way to making profits beyond your wildest dreams!

When you ask random bettors what they think about online sports betting, many are often of the opinion that sports betting is just like a little kid; the more gifts (money) you stretch at it, the more it smiles back at you.
But is this really true? You may wonder. Well, if there's anything we've learned from the history of sports betting, it is that your chances of success aren't always directly linked to the magnitude of your stakes. In fact, while some people have struggled to win anything even with their big stakes, many others have staked very little money and won millions.
So instead of likening it to a little kid, a much better comparison would be to say that online sports betting is like a young lady, and the more you know about her, the better your chances of winning her over.
So if you've got very little money to go on, but you'd like to still win big at online sports betting, then you should know that your dream is pretty much realizable, only that you’ll need to think out of the box.
That said, here are the tips you need to follow whenever you want to stake little and win big.
Try to amass a significantly high number of odds
It goes without saying that for your winnings to flow like rivers and success to grow like grasses in online sports betting, you need to master the art of odd readings. What exactly does that mean, you may wonder?
Well, what it means in a nutshell is that in order to win big from small stakes, you will need to amass a great number of odds. To do this, you should always look to select those games or events that carry heavy (big) odds. Although these sorts of games often come with greater risks, they’re your best bet to reaching your ultimate goal. The logic behind this reasoning is that when you amass a significantly high number of odds, your overall accumulation increases, leading to greater stake value and potential winnings.
Case study:
If the odd on Manchester City winning an EPL game is 1.24, and the odds of Sergio Aguero scoring is 1.84, you’re better off betting on the latter, even though it seems riskier than the former. By the time you apply this approach to about 5-6 games, you should have amassed a huge number of odds in total, huge enough to significantly multiply any amount of money you’re staking.
Winners sports betting locations
Choose a reliable website
If huge wins on small stakes are what you are looking for, then you need to be ruthless in your search for a betting website. The reason for this is that while some websites have got a multiplicity of options for you to bet on, several others only have limited options available.
For someone looking to multiply their stakes significantly, you cannot afford to have your options limited by a website.
Take for instance, that you want to bet on multiple games, but your website only has games involving a selected number of leagues, what do you think would be the fate of your bet? Well, your chances of winning big with your small stakes are already inhibited because your choice of games will be greatly influenced by what your provider has to offer. It is in this light that many successful sports bettors recommend playing Judi Online Spbo with a reliable and option-packed sports betting website.
Case Study
Let's say you wish to add some bets – on the players to score in some particular games – to your betting slip, but your betting website doesn't offer this option, you'll have no choice than to opt for other options, many of which might carry more risks than your primary options.
Focus on a specialty
Without any doubt, it is great fun to bet on a range of games and sports, but successful bettors often focus on a specialty. For example, you may have a great history of wins while wagering on football or rugby. Similarly, the Super Bowl may be a record-breaking event for your online betting timeline. Some bettors are great at point spreads while others do well while predicting overs or under or draws. Everything boils down to identifying your core strength and capitalizing on it if you want to become a truly successful bettor even with small stakes. At the same time, you can deviate from it periodically to try your luck, keep the excitement on and explore a new area of expertise.

Winners Sports Betting

Learn from your mistakes
How to win bet
Even seasoned bettors are at risk of losing or making mistakes. The fact that you are able to accept them and see them as a lesson goes a long way in making you a solid bettor in the long run. Identify the areas where you went wrong and try to understand the alternative actions that could have got you better results. Assess your risk factors every time you place a bet because a responsible approach is essential to survive and have a lucrative run for the long haul. Also, remember that learning in the betting domain never stops because it is evolving. So you should keep pace with the latest technologies and trends as well.

How To Win Bet

Bet on multiples
Alternatively, you can win big from small stakes by betting on multiple games. If you don't feel too comfortable with placing your bets on heavy odds games, you can go for the simple (small) odds games. In this approach, you'll need to study and understand extensively the sports, teams, matchups, history, and players involved because you may need to spread your bet across different countries, leagues, and divisions. Although the chances of winning big are quite high with this strategy, you need to be extremely careful with your choice of bets because the risks are quite huge as well.

Winner Sports Betting College Football

Case Study:

Winner Et Online Sports Betting

Instead of betting on just NBA games if you were staking a huge amount of money, you may need to choose games from NBA, EPL, NFL, Boxing, Horse racing, and lots more, if you have a small amount of money to stake and you want to use the method of multiple games. Alternatively, you can also bet on just a singular sport (say football), only that you may need to diversify into different countries or leagues (say EPL, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, and so much more).